Enrollment & Fees
Enrollment Level Options
We strive to meet family’s needs by offering three choices of parent help options. The following are a few testimonies from families in each category:
– Shawna S.
the PARENT HELP option
– Becca K.
the BUY OUT option
– Cari S.
Tuition & Registration
Tuition is paid September through May. The monthly tuition is based on the number of days school is in session September through May. It is then calculated so that each month’s tuition is the same dollar amount. Therefore when there are fewer (or more) days in a month than normal, tuition remains the same.
Tuition is due on the first day of each month. Late fees will incur after the 5th day of the month.
Families that pay in advance (semester or yearly) will receive a prorated discount for prepayment. This can be collected in the form of cash, check or money order. The first semester (September – December) tuition is due by August 1st. The second semester (January – May) tuition is due by December 1st.
If your family incurs an unexpected financial strain and tuition cannot be made by the late fee deadline, please discuss your individual situation with the President A.S.A.P
2021-2022 School Year Fees (per month)
MWF Option
$100 Supplies Fee
Expanded Parent Help – $243.00
Parent Help – $283.00
Buy-Out – $323.00
TTH Option
$75 Supplies Fee
Expanded Parent Help – $168.00
Parent Help – $208.00
Buy-Out – $248.00
M-F Option
$175 Supplies Fee
Expanded Parent Help – $411.00
Parent Help – $491.00
Buy-Out – $571.00
1 Day Option
$37.50 Supplies Fee
Buyout Daily Rate – $30 Per Day
4 Day Option
$137.50 Supplies Fee
Expanded Parent Help – $327.00
Parent Help – $387.00
Buy-Out – $447.00
ALL Options
$50 Annual Enrollment Deposit
$15 Field Trip T-Shirt Fee
To ensure fairness for everyone at Humpty Dumpty, we will need to enforce additional fees. All fees are to be paid by the next class period, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Treasurer.
$10.00 – dropping child off unattended before the start of school
$10.00 – picking child up after the designated late time
$10.00 – for each 15-minute increment after the designated late time
$10.00-50.00 – for parent helpers arriving late on their scheduled work day
Designated drop off time: 9:00-9:15
Designated pick up time: 12:30-12:45 (12:46 is considered late)
Parent Helper arrival time: 8:45 (8:46 is considered late)
End of the Semester Statements
Enrollment Forms
Must be turned in NOW to enroll:
Annual Enrollment Deposit of $50 (please put your child's name and class on the memo line)
Need to be turned in by July 1st:
Turn in at school orientation (fall):
Copy of auto insurance card, front and back
Acknowledgement of MO Dept of Health Rules & Regulations
Annual classroom supplies fee
Field Trip t-shirt fee